JTS at Suntec Rice Table!
I shall try a different way of blogging today -- a picture tells a thousand words. As the title suggests, this afternoon was our JTS lunch buffet at Suntec Rice Table. As usual, most people arrived late. And as we walked from City Hall MRT station to Suntec...

Rachel and Billy in matching couple shirts. (note: Billy's wearing the shirt Rachel bought for him...)
And then we arrived at The Rice Table, an exquisitely decorated restaurant.

...the people eating at my table: senior guys and junior girls = less wastage of food at the table.

Yu Zhong, Pin Xuan and Melvin. Trying unsuccessfully to get Yu Zhong to smile.

Attempt is successful but the picture is blur, unfortunately.

Zi Yang and Christopher.

Eating...my hands reaching out for the first plate of Tahu Telor.

The other table. Seniors + Chris and Sam.

Sam and Chris acting weird. Too bad the pictures are blur (indicative of violent motion).

...and the food.

Me and my love affair for Tahu Telor (tofu omelette). This's my 4th plate.

And my FIFTH plate of Tahu Telor. Yu Zhong and I were competing to see who finished more food, but obviously he couldn't break my record of ordering FIVE plates of Tahu Telor, haha.
The events preceding this unique fifth (and last) plate:
Me: Waiter!!! I'd like a plate of Tahu Telor without Telor (egg).
Waiter: *jawdrop* HUH!!??
Me: I'd like egg tofu with more tofu and less egg.
Waiter: But it's already made.
Me: I thought you cook it on the spot?
Waiter: *extremely confused*
Me: Ok, just get me the tofu omelette with less egg and more tofu.
Waiter: ERM, okay....
So they piled heaps of chili on the tahu telor to "silence me".
Then lunch ended and we made to leave the restaurant. More photos:

Class girls.

Wei Heng, Jun Zhe and Li Hao. 3 guys acting cool, haha.

Me and my two mortals: Wei Heng and Li Hao.

Angel-mortal: Melvin and Pauline; Pau-pau showing off Melvin's gift to her -- the bracelet.

60 girls! Seniors and juniors.
And then the senior guys went off to play DOTA, the senior girls went to shop at Carrefour, some of the class went to shop at Minitoons or someplace else, and Billy, Chris, Sam, Zi Yang, Pei Han and I went to Yammi Yoghurt.

Guys loving Ronald Macdonald, and Billy feeding him.

More people who love Mr Macdonald, and me feeding Ronald Macdonald watermelon.
Then the rest of the class magically reappeared.

Sam sitting very happily on Wai Hong and Chris, and all 3 appear to be enjoying themsleves immensely.
Afterwards, we went to the arcade to play. Initially I wanted to play DDR (Dance Dance Revolution!) with Wai Hong, but due to some problems with the machine, I played DDR solo, dying at a super fast song "Paranoia". Wei Xiang and Geordie played DDR together later, so: I've succeeded at getting people interested in DDR! Then we watched Billy play shoot-basketball (so pro!), Wai Hong and Jonathan played Time Crisis, then Geordie and I played car-racing (to quote Wai Hong: "Battle of the Sexes!") At first I was winning, but I crashed at some turn and from then on lost the lead!
Then I went home still feeling very bloated. Imagine 5 plates of Tahu Telor sitting inside your stomach!!! To be fair, poor Melvin finished most of the egg (since I liked the tofu more than the egg.) But nevertheless, it's cholesterol and calorie overload for me, so I shall TRY to stay off eggs for one week (that's very very hard, since I love to eat eggs, especially fried runny-yolk eggs!). And I went jogging (not running, as my thigh muscles still hurt from Chinese Dance practice) for about 25 minutes, before having MORE TOFU (famous and delicious Ampang Yong Tau Foo from this very old shop in Sembawang that my mom bought on her way home from Grandma's house.) for dinner. I come to the conclusion that: I'm an incurable tofu fanatic!!!
Now I shall try to crack my brains over the KI minutes on the Plato seminar, which I have not finished. I don't seem to have done any homework, I wonder where my weekend went. Ah well.

Rachel and Billy in matching couple shirts. (note: Billy's wearing the shirt Rachel bought for him...)
And then we arrived at The Rice Table, an exquisitely decorated restaurant.

...the people eating at my table: senior guys and junior girls = less wastage of food at the table.

Yu Zhong, Pin Xuan and Melvin. Trying unsuccessfully to get Yu Zhong to smile.

Attempt is successful but the picture is blur, unfortunately.

Zi Yang and Christopher.

Eating...my hands reaching out for the first plate of Tahu Telor.

The other table. Seniors + Chris and Sam.

Sam and Chris acting weird. Too bad the pictures are blur (indicative of violent motion).

...and the food.

Me and my love affair for Tahu Telor (tofu omelette). This's my 4th plate.

And my FIFTH plate of Tahu Telor. Yu Zhong and I were competing to see who finished more food, but obviously he couldn't break my record of ordering FIVE plates of Tahu Telor, haha.
The events preceding this unique fifth (and last) plate:
Me: Waiter!!! I'd like a plate of Tahu Telor without Telor (egg).
Waiter: *jawdrop* HUH!!??
Me: I'd like egg tofu with more tofu and less egg.
Waiter: But it's already made.
Me: I thought you cook it on the spot?
Waiter: *extremely confused*
Me: Ok, just get me the tofu omelette with less egg and more tofu.
Waiter: ERM, okay....
So they piled heaps of chili on the tahu telor to "silence me".
Then lunch ended and we made to leave the restaurant. More photos:

Class girls.

Wei Heng, Jun Zhe and Li Hao. 3 guys acting cool, haha.

Me and my two mortals: Wei Heng and Li Hao.

Angel-mortal: Melvin and Pauline; Pau-pau showing off Melvin's gift to her -- the bracelet.

60 girls! Seniors and juniors.
And then the senior guys went off to play DOTA, the senior girls went to shop at Carrefour, some of the class went to shop at Minitoons or someplace else, and Billy, Chris, Sam, Zi Yang, Pei Han and I went to Yammi Yoghurt.

Guys loving Ronald Macdonald, and Billy feeding him.

More people who love Mr Macdonald, and me feeding Ronald Macdonald watermelon.
Then the rest of the class magically reappeared.

Sam sitting very happily on Wai Hong and Chris, and all 3 appear to be enjoying themsleves immensely.
Afterwards, we went to the arcade to play. Initially I wanted to play DDR (Dance Dance Revolution!) with Wai Hong, but due to some problems with the machine, I played DDR solo, dying at a super fast song "Paranoia". Wei Xiang and Geordie played DDR together later, so: I've succeeded at getting people interested in DDR! Then we watched Billy play shoot-basketball (so pro!), Wai Hong and Jonathan played Time Crisis, then Geordie and I played car-racing (to quote Wai Hong: "Battle of the Sexes!") At first I was winning, but I crashed at some turn and from then on lost the lead!
Then I went home still feeling very bloated. Imagine 5 plates of Tahu Telor sitting inside your stomach!!! To be fair, poor Melvin finished most of the egg (since I liked the tofu more than the egg.) But nevertheless, it's cholesterol and calorie overload for me, so I shall TRY to stay off eggs for one week (that's very very hard, since I love to eat eggs, especially fried runny-yolk eggs!). And I went jogging (not running, as my thigh muscles still hurt from Chinese Dance practice) for about 25 minutes, before having MORE TOFU (famous and delicious Ampang Yong Tau Foo from this very old shop in Sembawang that my mom bought on her way home from Grandma's house.) for dinner. I come to the conclusion that: I'm an incurable tofu fanatic!!!
Now I shall try to crack my brains over the KI minutes on the Plato seminar, which I have not finished. I don't seem to have done any homework, I wonder where my weekend went. Ah well.
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