CNY celebrations and outing with seniors!

From left: Miao Qin, me, Cheryl on top and Pauline below, Rachel.
Bottom pic: 06S60 in auspicious colours! Count the number of rabbit (or should it be dog?) ears Jonathan has! And hmmm...who's tugging on Wai Hong's shirt?

Yesterday, Hwa Chong had its annual Chinese New Year celebrations! There was a string of events in the concert put up for us, like Chinese Orchestra, Band and Wushu performance, and not forgetting the fabulous Chinese Dance performance put up by my wonderful, zai and pretty Chinese Dance seniors! But soon it was time for the street-market, with stalls manned by the J1s and the councillors. The food items we sold, namely not-so-ballish ice-ball (more like ice kachang), nice-smelling toast and Milo (baby) Dinosaur seemed to be quite popular, or at least I seemed to get it quite quickly off my hands, but after subtracting the costs from the earnings, we only earned a net profit of 20+ bucks, haha. But well, at least it was fun, rather. After clearing up, it was time for the Mass Dances! I've always liked Mass Dances, and I still like Mass Dances a lot. It was fun, yeah! Even though I didn't really know the steps and couldn't see the demonstration. So was the Faculty dance (actually that was the FIRST time I danced the first fac dance. I only learnt the second fac dance.) though Aries and Apollo won the competition with their sheer participation numbers. Somehow Artemis-ians and Athenians seem to be less enthusiastic overall, though I still am proud to be an Athenian.
After the CNY celebrations all ended and a little ceremony of "lao-yu-sheng" with the seniors, we (Samuel, Weixiang, Charmaine, Miao Qin and I) went for lunch at Raffles City together with the seniors, before heading off to watch I Not Stupid 2 at Marina Square. The movie was entertaining, and rather exceeded my expectations (not a very remarkable feat considering my expectations for a local movie was very low). It was both funny (or rather, corny) and quite touching at bits (unfortunately the swelling tears were all kept in check by lame anti-climaxes). Though the theme of how "we all need praise" and how "our parents really love us at heart, though they may not express it well" was cliched, somehow it struck a chord with me. I guess I'm the type who needs emotional support and affirmation constantly, though that doesn't mean I lack self-confidence. After dinner, I left, taking the same bus home as Felicia, and we talked for a really long time in the bus. (Felicia is a super-nice senior!!!)
Besides being an enjoyable way of spending my time, this outing made me realise that in Hwa Chong, the seniors actually care about their juniors. In the past, in secondary school, the many of the class seniors didn't even seem to know of our existence, much less bother to get to know us or even go out with us. I even had an angel who didn't write to me at all before my friend's angel decided to adopt me as a mortal. Here, it's different. Especially 60 seniors (like Pei Wen, Junyi, Serena, Nai Fen, the other 05 seniors, etc etc), who care so much about their junior classes that they even crash the junior 60 classes, year after year, and worry about whether our class is bonded or having fun together; who bother to get to know us juniors, to meet up with us and go out together. It's really quite different. And that has made me feel very much a part of 60, and proud of being the 06 batch of S60.
Two years is a short time, to spend with the class as part of 06S60. One year is an even shorter time, to spend with the seniors as part of S60. Let's hope this time will be spent fruitfully, so that all of us will have happy memories and friendships to cherish in time to come, when we step out of this school we call Huang Cheng, in the not-too-distant future.
(Motto in Hwa Chong = LIFE & friendship first, CCAs second, studies third!)
[S60 ROCKS!]
{Happy Chinese New Year to all of you!}
Heya...its PHiL knocking on your door...haha...nice blog...can see u've got pretty lotsa dream to fulfil! so Jia You!! muz work hard kz...passion and determination! yea rite abt the last part of ur n frenship 1st, cca 2nd, studies 3rd...haha...guess i will screw up my studies then..haha! hmm...have great time in HCI and happy always =D CheeZe!
u mentioned me :)
thanks for appreciating wad ive done :)
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